A Positive Start

This new year has so many opportunities looming. So much to choose from. My daughter and Andy are looking for a new house to buy, my granddaughter and her Jake are starting their life together, all that education and planning is ready to pay off. That’s just the tip-of the Brock iceberg. We are all going to work and make sure this is the best year yet. We will love one another and encourage one another every chance we get. As I always do I will ask God to surround us with angels and His white light of love. We will arm ourselves daily with the knowledge that we are not alone, God walks our path with us.

I found my ceramics class. It’s one that will allow me to paint pictures on the pieces I choose. I get to incorporate my painting in another art form. I, also, have an appointment with the local hospice to talk with them about doing volunteer work. With these new endeavors and 2 mornings of Tai Chi I think I have my quota of get out and greet the world activities. Between chores and the beach I am going to be a pretty busy, happy and fulfilled woman.

This year I will continue to write, study, meditate and pray as I start each day. I pray daily that I am led and guided and that the Holy Spirit walk with me no matter where I go, what I do, or who I meet. I understand that what we give freely is what we receive from the Universe. Love, kindness, money, forgiveness, happiness, gentleness, a helping hand. I arm myself every day as I said, with God’s light and angels. If you are stumbling around not understanding why you just don’t feel light and happy, you just find it hard to get motivated, you just can’t find the good in each day, maybe just maybe, you should try starting your day on a positive note. We all have our off days, but wouldn’t you rather soar like and eagle on more days than you would like to scratch around in the dirt with the chickens. It’s up to you. Much love, Susan

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