Be Your Own Good Company

I had a wonderful visitor last week. A very good friend from class came to visit. I had not smiled or laughed that much in a long time. It was fun to play catch up.

Sometimes you forget who you are capable of being. He reminded me. I have sat here waiting on Hospice and they have not even, in 16 days, scheduled the fingerprinting yet. No more. When they are ready for me, I will be there but in the meantime I have been reminded just what a good writer I am, that I am a woman of interest, that I am good company and I am not someone who sits around waiting for things to happen. Maybe I haven’t met new friends as of yet, and we know it isn’t because I’ve not been out there trying, but I am good company for myself. I know how to entertain myself and when someone comes into my life I will be an asset to them as well as them being an asset to me. Thank you Mark.

So I have found a new place to sit by the water. It is not a beach so it has a different atmosphere than the beach. There are shaded tables, piers, docks, trails and miles and miles of water stretching out before one. The cranes and egrets and all types of other birds come right up to you, they are not the least afraid. It is a marvelous place to meditate. I am going to take my embroidery, my gratitude journal, my writing materials, and lunch and go sit by the water and be restored every day that I am free to do so. I will be still and I will be fulfilled with that for now.

Do you remember you are a child of God and that you are wondrous and interesting and good company for yourself? No one wants to be alone always, but for now, if I must be, if you must be, at least let us smile and enjoy our own path. Lonesome is a word I don’t want to acknowledge. Happy, blessed, loving, forgiving, laughing, joy-filled and abundant in may ways is how I choose to be. Hey, I’m out of here, I’m burning daylight :) Much love, Susan

Today . . .

Today I have been given a chance to love more, show kindness, laugh and sing. Today I have been given a chance to forgive, to really notice the miracles that surround me and to share. Today I have been given the chance to say I AM and let it be followed by only positive words. Today I will show compassion and excitement and honor. Today I will feel the gratitude I always feel only on an even higher level. Today I will be one with both giving and receiving unexpected joy and unexpected abundance. Today I will remember I am a spark of God and never walk alone. Love, Susan

A Positive Start

This new year has so many opportunities looming. So much to choose from. My daughter and Andy are looking for a new house to buy, my granddaughter and her Jake are starting their life together, all that education and planning is ready to pay off. That’s just the tip-of the Brock iceberg. We are all going to work and make sure this is the best year yet. We will love one another and encourage one another every chance we get. As I always do I will ask God to surround us with angels and His white light of love. We will arm ourselves daily with the knowledge that we are not alone, God walks our path with us.

I found my ceramics class. It’s one that will allow me to paint pictures on the pieces I choose. I get to incorporate my painting in another art form. I, also, have an appointment with the local hospice to talk with them about doing volunteer work. With these new endeavors and 2 mornings of Tai Chi I think I have my quota of get out and greet the world activities. Between chores and the beach I am going to be a pretty busy, happy and fulfilled woman.

This year I will continue to write, study, meditate and pray as I start each day. I pray daily that I am led and guided and that the Holy Spirit walk with me no matter where I go, what I do, or who I meet. I understand that what we give freely is what we receive from the Universe. Love, kindness, money, forgiveness, happiness, gentleness, a helping hand. I arm myself every day as I said, with God’s light and angels. If you are stumbling around not understanding why you just don’t feel light and happy, you just find it hard to get motivated, you just can’t find the good in each day, maybe just maybe, you should try starting your day on a positive note. We all have our off days, but wouldn’t you rather soar like and eagle on more days than you would like to scratch around in the dirt with the chickens. It’s up to you. Much love, Susan

No New Advice Here

One wants to be the one who offers the wisest thoughts on January 1st but what it all comes down to is the same advice over and over.  Love and forgiveness.  Be kind to everyone.  Smile.  Be generous in your time and as much as your pockets will allow.  Laugh.  It is better to be happy than to be right.  Be one with both giving and receiving unexpected joy and unexpected abundance.  It really does start with you.  Love thy self. Remember you are a grand and glorious spark of God. You are never alone.  Notice the miracles that surround you. Live in honor, compassion and excitement. Always be humble and always be grateful.

Happy New Year, Susan

Peace on Earth . . .

So this will be my last post till after the first of the year when I get back from MI.  I am so blessed to get to be able to see my son and his family and my darling, Frank.  I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and that this will be your best year ever.  I had not only a year of jarring changes but wonder and love too.  When one door closes . . .  is truer than you could ever really appreciate, because when we are faced with that slamming door we don’t always believe a door is going to open and miracles will flood through.  If we could all just remember in this new year to remember who walks beside us at all times.  We really are spark of God!  You can literally bet your life on it.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – Love, Susan

Holiday Hints

Today may smiles glow from your eyes.  May your laughter affect others and make them laugh too.  May you recognize that you are surrounded by angels.  May you remember you never are alone for God is always by your side.  May you know your blessings and in turn be a blessing to others as God has so blessed you.  Be kind.  Choose to be happy.  Meditate so your stress is less.  Open your heart and your eyes to the miracles that are all around you.  Remember the most important words you can utter, “Thank you God.”    Love, Susan

Answered Prayers

Yesterday, you may recall, I posted about receiving a sign about holding onto faith.  I knew this was heaven-sent and all my diligent prayers would be answered.  To rest in that faith and let the heavens handle it.  I had been praying and praying and asking for angels for 2 different people who had issues they needed addressed.  One did not even share the circumstances, but that’s OK, God knows.  After receiving my sign I am pleased to share that by noon I had heard from both parties and the prayers had been answered.  Thank you God, thank you angels.  Love, Susan

Live Higher

Today may God give you riches untold.  May you have harmonic wealth: wealth of spirit, wealth of love, wealth of peace, divine health and abundance.  May all you encounter see God in your eyes and know He is in your heart, even when no words are spoken.  May each decision you make today be the right one for you.  May you never forget who walks beside you.  You are never alone.  Stand for all that is good and all that is holy.  Live love and forgiveness.  Love, Susan

Speak Love

As you go about your day know you are a grand and glorious child of God.  Be kind to the kind and kind to the unkind.  Leave smiles and happiness in your wake.  Say only words of  humbleness and love.  Never forget that once out of your mouth words cannot be snatched back.  Even when you ask forgiveness for hurtful words it doesn’t erase them from the heart that they pained. Speak gently.  Speak with love.  Speak as if they may be the last words you utter – they might be.  Love, Susan

Love and Prayer

May the warmth of friendship give you a cuddly feeling deep in your bones and may love light your pathway with each step you take.  May you remember that you are unique and wonderful.  There is no other like you.  You are God’s masterpiece.  His fine work of art.  If you are ill I send you healing love and pray diligently for you.  If you are hurting I send you love and pray diligently for you.  Just because you are you I send you love and pray diligently for you.  The Creator has blessed me and I love to pass the blessings on.  It is the way.  Much love, Susan