Life is Good

First I apologize, to contact Gene Skaggs about ACIM his web-site is:

So good morning.  We are up and moving early.  People are coming to look at the house this morning, but after this last time of saying thw word “looking” I am going to change the way I speak of this to, “People are coming to buy the house this morning.”  The rain washed all the dust off of everything and hopefully the sun will pop out and everything will glimmer and shine bright.

Have been in the pool all ready, said prayers and meditated.  Going to run the vacuum and take the dogs and go to the park.

Class last night was amazing and I always get some extra time with Gene and Lucy and that’s always special too.  Last nights lesson was on forgiveness and I thought that was great, right in line with what I spoke of yesterday, forgiveness is the most important word, next to love.

I have had so many calls and inquiries about the cost of a Quantum Touch session.  It is $40.00.  You can come here or if you don’t live too far away I will come to you.  All we need is a quiet space.  The lady, Jean who can now move her wrists and fingers after years, told me she is out doing gardening and all the things she hasn’t been able to do in years, and little Angel, her dog, is still hopping up and down on the sofa, she had to be lifted before her QT session :)

May you all have the best day ever.  May sunshine fill the path you choose to walk this day and everyday.  May kindness fill your heart, and may you be one with both giving and receiving unexpected joy and unexpected abundance.  Love to all,  Susan