May You . . .

May this be a grand and glorious day for you.  May love be with you and may all your dreams be realized.  May God guide you today, leading you where you need to be, so you may see who it is you need to see, hear what you need to hear and speak the words you need to say.

May kindness be not only given by you but received by you.  A simple act of kindness really changes the chemistry of our brain, making us feel better and happier.  It does not matter whether you are giving the kindness or receiving it.  Even onlookers benefit.  Isn’t that amazing?

May you laugh and giggle, may you heart be lit with love and your spirit spread forgiveness where it is needed.  Forgive not for the person or experience you are forgiving but for your own journey, your own spirit.  Love, peace, joy and forgiveness the “go words” for today.  Much love,  Susan