Be You

This is a day I think we should all just be ourselves.  Let your light shine.  Speak up.  Don’t be shy.  Toss to the side what others might think of you.  Smile at that someone who looks at you with disapproval in their eyes.  Ha!  Who are they to judge. Had a wonderful conversation with Gene (Skaggs) this morning concerning this very thing.  How others judge and therefore for we can feel less or just plain ol’ hide our true self.  No, no, no, no.  This is not acceptable.

You are a grand and glorious child of God.  You are a spark of the Divine.  You are unique and outstanding.  There will never be another you and no one can offer the world what you can.  Don’t let a bunch of people decide who you should be.  Stand up and walk with your head held high with a smile in those beautiful eyes.  After the first couple of times when you find out you actually lived through the experience of being the real you, it becomes easier and easier.  Come on I’m cheering for you, but even better so are the angels.

Class tonight in Nashville.  ACIM at 7PM at the Unity Church on Franklin Rd.  Come join us.  Gene Skaggs is the instructor and he is amazing and so is everyone who attends.  Much love to all, see you tonight, Susan